Thaï Coconut Milk Soup


Product Informations
  • Courgettes*
  • Pure water from the Haut-Languedoc Regional Park
  • Broccoli*
  • Red peppers*
  • Coconut milk* (coconut extract*, water)
  • Coriander*
  • Nature & Progrès guaranteed Guérande salt
  • Lemon juice*
  • Ginger*

*ingredients from organic farming.
Certified by FR-BIO-01
  • Calories: 27 kcal / 113 kj
  • Fat: 1.3 g
  • Saturated fatty acids: 0.9 g
  • Carbohydrates: 1.9 g
  • Sugars: 1.4 g
  • Fibre: 1.5 g
  • Protein: 1.2 g
  • Salt: 0.47 g
Contains no allergens
Enjoy hot or cold, either as a main course with a salad or as an accompaniment to a full meal.
Soupe Thaï Bio - Karine & Jeff
Thaï Coconut Milk Soup

Get in touch with us

Karine & Jeff invite you on a culinary journey to Asia with their organic Thai soup, a creation born from enchanting memories and unforgettable taste experiences. This soup is a love letter to distant landscapes, a faithful transcription of the generosity and serenity you feel in the heart of Asian lands.

Organic Thai soup is an ode to the perfect balance between sweetness and acidity characteristic of the cuisine from the Land of Smiles. Lemon and ginger intermingle to lift the palate with refreshing delicacy, while coconut milk envelops each spicy note to soften the ensemble and create an exquisite blend that seduces and comforts.

The emblematic Thai trio—coconut, ginger, and lemon—is harmoniously complemented by vegetables chosen for their ability to maintain this balance of flavours: tender courgettes, green broccoli, and crunchy red peppers. Together, they form a delicate alchemy, a celebration of the dance between sweetness and acidity, while evoking the humidity of the Asian air through a simmering cooking method.

This organic Thai soup is Karine & Jeff’s exotic reinterpretation of the rich and diverse Asian cuisine, designed to awaken your taste buds and brighten up your tables. Classified as one of our light soups, it is ideal for dinner with friends or as a fragrant escape. For the best experience, we suggest heating it gently in a bain-marie to release its full flavour.

To accompany it, allow yourself to be seduced by the sweetness of basmati rice or the subtlety of jasmine rice, which are the perfect complements to this dish with Asian accents. And if you feel like it, simmered or sautéed meat will add a gourmet touch to your meal.