Kilimandjaro Soup


Product Informations
  • Pure water from the Haut-Languedoc Regional Park
  • Butternut squash* (18% | orig. France)
  • Carrots* (14% | orig. France)
  • Parsnips*
  • Coconut milk* (5.6% | coconut extract*, water)
  • Banana* (4.5%)
  • Onions*
  • Nature & Progrès guaranteed Guérande sea salt
  • Cumin*
  • Turmeric*
  • Pepper*
  • Ginger*

*ingredients from organic farming.
Certified by FR-BIO-01
  • Calories: 28 kcal / 119 kj
  • Fat: 1.2 g
  • Saturated fatty acids: 1 g
  • Carbohydrates: 3.2 g
  • Sugars: 2.3 g
  • Fibre: 1.3 g
  • Protein: 0.6 g
  • Salt: 0.27 g
Contains No Allergens
Best served hot. You can accompany our butternut and carrot soup with African flavours with a bowl of millet and coriander.
Soupe Kilimandjaro - aux carottes, butternut, banane et lait de coco - Karine & Jeff
Kilimandjaro Soup

Get in touch with us

Kilimanjaro Soup – a recipe drawn from the heart of Maasai culture – is the culmination of blending African flavours with the culinary expertise of Karine & Jeff. At the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, the couple have drawn on traditional Maasai know-how to create this velvety soup. Made with butternut squash, carrots, parsnips, bananas, and onions, this soup is noted for its gentle flavours. The creaminess derives from the coconut milk, enriched with a blend of delicate spices such as cumin, turmeric, pepper, and ginger.

Each ingredient has been selected for its natural sweetness, like parsnips and bananas, which are beautifully complemented by the sweet notes of the other ingredients, all seamlessly bound together by the coconut milk. This light soup is ideal as a starter, providing a perfect introduction to the art of soup-making for children and a delightful treat for adults. In line with our commitment to natural, high-quality products, we collaborate with selected partners to source ingredients grown in France, including water from the Haut-Languedoc regional park.

For an authentic African culinary experience, serve Karine & Jeff’s Kilimanjaro Soup with a bowl of millet or lentils, and garnish with a hint of fresh coriander for a vibrant, exotic touch.