Bulgur and chickpeas with cumin / eggplants with sesame cream


Product Informations
  • Eggplants* (33%)
  • Bulgur* (16%)
  • Red peppers*
  • Green peppers*
  • Tomatoes* (origin: France)
  • Tomato coulis* (origin: Provence)
  • Onions*
  • Cold-pressed sunflower oil* (origin: South-West)
  • Chickpeas* (2.6% | origin: South-West)
  • Dates*
  • Sesame cream* (1.2%)
  • Guérande salt, certified Nature & Progrès
  • Garlic*
  • Cumin* (0.3%)
  • Coriander*
  • Turmeric*
  • Pepper*

*Ingredients from organic farming.
Certified by FR-BIO-01
  • Calories: 114 kcal / 478 kJ
  • Fat: 4.5 g
  • of which saturated fat: 0.5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 14 g
  • of which sugars: 3.7 g
  • Fiber: 3.5 g
  • Protein: 3.91 g
  • Salt: 0.67 g
Contains : gluten, sesame
To be consumed hot or cold. Reheat in the oven, microwave, or bain-marie.
Boulgour et pois chiches au cumin / aubergines à la crème de sésame - Karine & Jeff
Bulgur and chickpeas with cumin / eggplants with sesame cream

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For this bento, we prepared beautiful eggplants (a seasonal vegetable), pan-fried and enhanced with a sesame cream, accompanied by bulgur (a grain) and chickpeas (a legume) – an assortment whose variety of flavors evokes the mezze of the Middle East…