Vegetables Indian Style


A recipe rich with all the fragrances of India: zucchinis, peas, tomatoes, potatoes, and bell peppers, all simmered with a festival of herbs and spices.

Product Informations
  • courgettes* (30%)
  • tomatoes* (21%|orig. France)
  • peas* (13%)
  • potatoes* (13%)
  • onions* (8.5%)
  • green peppers* (8.5%)
  • red peppers* (4.2%)
  • lemon juice*
  • first cold-pressed sunflower oil* (orig. Sud-Ouest)
  • Nature & Progrès guaranteed Guérande sea salt
  • coriander*
  • cumin*
  • fenugreek*
  • fennel*
  • pepper*
  • cinnamon*
  • cardamom*
  • Calories: 46 kcal / 190 kj
  • Fat: 0.9 g
  • Saturated fatty acids: 0.1 g
  • Carbohydrates: 6.2 g
  • Sugars: 3 g
  • Fibre: 2.3 g
  • Protein: 1.9 g
  • Salt: 0.5 g
Contains no allergens
Reheat before serving. You can enjoy these Indian-style vegetables with curry rice and rose tea, or simply with a seasonal raw vegetable salad; they can also accompany a grilled dish of your choice.
Légumes à l'Indienne - Karine & Jeff
Vegetables Indian Style

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Embark on an exotic culinary journey with our Vegetables Indian Style from Karine & Jeff.

Inspired by the rich culinary traditions of India, this recipe is a celebration of vegetarian cuisine, bursting with the colors, aromas, and flavors of this fascinating country.

A Lush Blend of Vegetables and Spices:

  • Colorful Vegetables: This blend includes courgettes, tomatoes, peas, potatoes, and peppers, offering a rich tapestry of textures and tastes.
  • Aromatic Spice Palette: A blend of coriander, cumin, fenugreek, fennel, pepper, cinnamon, and cardamom creates a sweet and enchanting bouquet of spices.

A Historical and Symbolic Dish:

  • Signature Recipe: As one of our historic dishes, Vegetables Indian Style reflects our passion for innovation and our respect for global culinary diversity.
  • More Than a Side Dish: While perfect as a side, this dish provides a complete culinary experience, ideal for introducing children and newcomers to the richness of vegetables.

Enjoy and Share:

  • Culinary Versatility: This dish is perfect with curry rice, a kebab, grilled meat, or a side of seasonal raw vegetables.
  • Tasting Advice: Pair this dish with a rose tea to fully immerse yourself in the Indian atmosphere.

Commitment to Quality and Authenticity:

  • Organic Ingredients: Selected for their freshness and quality, these ingredients ensure a healthy and flavorful meal.
  • Tribute to Global Flavors: Each bite is an ode to the authentic flavors of India, a country that continually inspires us in our quest for culinary creativity.

Discover our Vegetables Indian Style, a dish that transports you to the heart of India’s colorful and bustling markets, offering a taste experience that celebrates the diversity and richness of vegetables in all their splendor.